Coming Soon: No Queensland State Government Grants
Grants Intellect Labs Grants Intellect Labs

Coming Soon: No Queensland State Government Grants

With the Queensland State Government election fast-approaching, it’s important that any Queensland businesses that are considering applying for state government funding understand what impact the election will have on grant programs. We’ve summarised our analysis of the impact that elections can have on the grant funding landscape, with a particular focus on the Queensland State Government election in October.

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Upcoming Grant Opportunities from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)
Grants Intellect Labs Grants Intellect Labs

Upcoming Grant Opportunities from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)

The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is a major source of health research funding in Australia, providing opportunities for both researchers and companies. The MRFF publishes funding rounds in advance, giving applicants reasonable notice to prepare. We have prepared an overview of upcoming grant opportunities, eligibility, and how Intellect Labs can support your submission.

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Upcoming Government Grants for QLD Businesses
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Upcoming Government Grants for QLD Businesses

Government grant funding can provide essential support for businesses undertaking a range of activities. For example, development and commercialisation of innovative products or services, research and industry collaborations, and initiatives to enhance the sustainability of a business or industry are common focus areas of grant funding.

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Getting started on a collaboration project
Grants, Collaboration, IP Intellect Labs Grants, Collaboration, IP Intellect Labs

Getting started on a collaboration project

A number of the barriers to collaboration between industry and Universities and Research Organisations (URIs) relate to perceptions and difficulties experienced before a collaboration begins. So what tools are available to help a business get started in the collaboration journey and resolve pain points in the pre-collaboration experience?

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New grants of $50k to $5 million from the Industry Growth Program
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New grants of $50k to $5 million from the Industry Growth Program

In May’s Federal Budget, the Government launched the Industry Growth Program, an initiative under the Australian industry portfolio. This program aims to provide support to SMEs and startups operating in key industries with advice and matched grant funding ranging from $50,000 to $5 million. The program has a significant budget of $392 million allocated.

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