Unlocking Insights into MRFF Grants: Key Trends and Success Rates
Insights into Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant allocation, success rates, and key initiatives over time. As MRFF funding continues to shape the future of health research in Australia, understanding these trends can help applicants refine their strategies and improve their chances of success.
Research Collaboration: The Billion-dollar Opportunity
Australia’s public research organisations have showcased their value as innovation partners; achieving over AU$1bn in industry research contracts in 2023, according to the latest Knowledge Commercialisation Australia (KCA) survey.
Queensland business grants - a post-election update
With the election complete, various grant programs that were put on-hold have re-opened for applications. It’s important for businesses to be aware of these grant opportunities and the upcoming application deadlines, but also to understand the impacts a change of government might have on grant funding availability.
Reviewing the latest data on Australia's innovation performance.
The outcomes from the latest Australian Innovation Statistics appear positive at first glance. In case you missed it, we provide a summary of the highlights from this recent report. We also dig a little deeper to see that despite some positive indications, there are some concerning signs regarding Australia's innovation performance that should provide pause for thought and consideration of how businesses undertaking R&D can be better supported.
Rethinking Government Grants: A Call for Transparency, Accountability, and Fairness
Australia distributes nearly $1 billion in government grants to businesses each year, but are these investments delivering real impact?
R&D Tax Facts – October 2024
A summary of developments in the world of the R&D Tax Incentive (R&DTI) program from the previous quarter.
Deadline Reminder - Research and Development Tax Incentive
An important reminder for Australian businesses with a 31 December year - the deadline for lodging your 2023 R&D Tax Incentive Application is now less than a month away (31 October 2024).
Coming Soon: No Queensland State Government Grants
With the Queensland State Government election fast-approaching, it’s important that any Queensland businesses that are considering applying for state government funding understand what impact the election will have on grant programs. We’ve summarised our analysis of the impact that elections can have on the grant funding landscape, with a particular focus on the Queensland State Government election in October.
Granting Wishes: Grant landscape update
A summary over the previous quarter of developments in the world of competitive grant funding, including grant funding opportunities and the update to the National Science and Research Priorities.
Navigating AusIndustry's Software Sector Guidance
In May 2024, AusIndustry released an updated version of their software sector guidance for the R&D Tax Incentive (R&DTI). It’s important to be aware of any changes to guidance materials as this provides an insight into how the program will be administered and the key considerations of the regulators.
Upcoming Grant Opportunities from the Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF)
The Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) is a major source of health research funding in Australia, providing opportunities for both researchers and companies. The MRFF publishes funding rounds in advance, giving applicants reasonable notice to prepare. We have prepared an overview of upcoming grant opportunities, eligibility, and how Intellect Labs can support your submission.
Update on the Export Market Development Grant (EMDG), Round 4
Update on the Export Market Development Grant (EMDG), Round 4
R&D Tax Facts – August 2024
Our R&D Tax Facts is a summary over the previous quarter of developments in the world of the R&D Tax Incentive (R&DTI) program.
Streamlining R&D Tax Claims for Clinical Trials in Australia
Clinical trials have long been viewed favourably under the R&D Tax Incentive Program. To recognise this, the program offers an efficient registration process for trials registered with the Therapeutic Goods Administration, reducing the administrative burden for biotech companies. This streamlined approach, along with support through Advance Overseas Findings (AOF), empowers Australian biotech firms to innovate and lead on the global stage.
How to Successfully Navigate the Overseas Finding Process for R&D Tax Incentives
The Overseas Finding process is a crucial component of the Research & Development Tax Incentive (RDTI) in Australia, enabling companies to access a tax benefit for overseas activities that relate to an Australian R&D program. This guide explores the Overseas Finding process, the key conditions for eligibility, and recent ATO concerns as outlined in taxpayer alerts. We also highlight a successful case study with a cyber security innovator, Internet 2.0, to illustrate effective strategies for securing an Overseas Finding.
R&D Tax Incentives and the SME Turnover Dilemma
The R&D Tax Incentive remains Australia’s primary program for supporting businesses undertaking R&D activities with an estimated $3.2 billion annual investment. The program uses a $20 million annual turnover threshold to determine a company’s R&D tax rebate, a threshold that has been unchanged since 2011. In our view, it is time to review this arbitrary line in the sand and ensure the R&DTI aligns with other SME policies so that highly innovative medium sized businesses are incentivised to continue their R&D investment as they grow.
EOFY R&D Tax Incentive Considerations
The end of the financial year brings with it some important considerations if you’re planning to lodge an FY24 R&D Tax Incentive claim. We’ve summarised some key things you need to be across.
Recent AAT decision – Confirming the ATO’s powers to determine the eligibility of R&D Tax Incentive activities
In its latest R&D Tax Incentive decision (GQHC v Commissioner of Taxation [2024] AATA 409) , the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) affirmed the position that the ATO has the power to assess and determine the eligibility of R&D activities per the legislative requirements.
State Government grant program deadlines
State governments across Australia regularly offer grant funding that can provide a cash boost for your business.
Upcoming R&D tax deadline
Reminder of an important, upcoming R&D Tax Incentive (RDTI) deadline for businesses with a 30 June 2023 year end.