Unlocking Insights into MRFF Grants: Key Trends and Success Rates
Insights into Medical Research Future Fund (MRFF) grant allocation, success rates, and key initiatives over time. As MRFF funding continues to shape the future of health research in Australia, understanding these trends can help applicants refine their strategies and improve their chances of success.
Research Collaboration: The Billion-dollar Opportunity
Australia’s public research organisations have showcased their value as innovation partners; achieving over AU$1bn in industry research contracts in 2023, according to the latest Knowledge Commercialisation Australia (KCA) survey.
Getting started on a collaboration project
A number of the barriers to collaboration between industry and Universities and Research Organisations (URIs) relate to perceptions and difficulties experienced before a collaboration begins. So what tools are available to help a business get started in the collaboration journey and resolve pain points in the pre-collaboration experience?
Pain and gain in the collaboration journey
At Intellect Labs we’ve been fortunate to work on funding proposals for some exciting collaborative projects. When done right, these alliances between businesses and universities & research institutions (URIs) can drive innovation to solve real-world problems and rapidly fill gaps in the market.